A professional window cleaner operates aerial lift platforms or other lift equipment to clean windows and glass surfaces on different types of buildings. Their job requires good health and safety awareness and knowledge of industry regulations. For more information, click the Visit Website to proceed.
I dusted the window frame and sill to remove loose dirt and debris. Next, apply a vinegar or glass cleaner solution and use a microfiber cloth or squeegee to clean the window.

- Preparation
Before washing windows, make sure your workspace is safe and all necessary supplies are ready. For example, if you are cleaning windows on a ladder, ensure the ladder is stable and placed on level ground and that someone is aware of your activity to prevent accidents or injuries. Similarly, it is important to protect the floor and any nearby furniture from drips and splatters by laying down towels or drop cloths. It’s also a good idea to wear rubber gloves for protection against chemicals and bacteria.
The best window cleaner combines vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and water. The acid in white vinegar breaks down mineral deposits and eliminates grease. Rubbing alcohol is a highly effective cleaning agent that evaporates quickly to leave windows sparkling clean without streaks. Mixing the two ingredients helps create an even more powerful window cleaner. Finally, a few drops of essential oil can give the solution a fresh, appealing scent.
Testing your homemade cleaner on a small glass corner is a good idea to ensure it won’t scratch or discolor. Then, use a squeegee to remove the cleaning solution and any dirt or grime on the window. Rinse the squeegee often to avoid trapping soapy residue or streaks on the window.
Another way to help ensure sparkling-clean windows is to scrub the frames and sills with a scrub brush or sponge. This will remove any stuck-on debris, such as paint specks or sticky residue from labels and tape. Alternatively, you can remove stubborn residue by soaking it in a specialty product such as Goof Off, available at most hardware and home centers.
Once the windows are clean, it’s a good idea to wipe down the frames and sills again. It’s also a good idea for homeowners to vacuum the screens to remove any debris that might have been collected there. Finally, it’s a good idea to put away any plants and decorative knick-knacks that might get in the way of cleaning windows or could be broken by the water or wind.
- Cleaning
Cleaning windows can be tedious, especially if you have a lot of them to do. But it can be even more frustrating when spraying and wiping results in a mess of streaks. This can happen during the drying process, so paying attention to how you dry your windows is important.
First, use a lint-free cloth (microfiber works best) to wipe down the frame. This removes any dirt or dust that might get mixed up with the cleaner. If the window is especially dirty, scrub it with a soft brush or a sponge dipped in hot water. This step is particularly important if you have difficulty removing crusty or gritty stains, like bird droppings or insect residue.
Next, use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe down the window glass. Be sure to wipe from the top to avoid letting any solution dry onto your clean window. You can also use a sponge mop or soft cotton or microfiber towel on a pole for higher windows. When using a sponge or mop on high windows, drape a canvas drop cloth on the floor to catch any excess water.
After you’ve wiped the glass, use a squeegee to finish the job. Be sure to work from the top down, as this helps prevent drips and will keep your clean window looking great. You can purchase a squeegee at most hardware stores or online, starting around $5 here.
Try to clean your windows on a cloudy day for the best results. The sun’s rays can cause the cleaning solution to dry on your windows before you can wipe it off, leaving hard-to-remove streaks.
If you’re struggling with stubborn streaks, add a small amount of dishwashing liquid or dishwasher finishing fluid to your cleaner. It will help break down any wax buildup that may be causing your streaks. This step is especially important for high-rise windows, where the nooks and crannies can be difficult to reach. Finally, remember to wipe down the ledges of your windows as well. They can get pretty grimy; if you don’t clean them properly, they might discolor your windows.
- Rinsing
Whether using a homemade vinegar-based solution or commercial window cleaner, a final rinse is key to sparkling clean windows. Start by spraying the solution on the glass surface (or dipping your mop or sponge). Then, wipe with a microfiber cloth or squeegee. Be generous with the application, but do not oversaturate. Cover the entire glass surface, including the sill and frame. When finished, wipe off your squeegee with a dry cloth or paper towel before storing it.
Depending on your preference, rinse the glass with cold or tepid water instead of warm. Warm water can cause the cleaning solution to evaporate faster, leaving behind unsightly streaks. It’s best to clean the windows on a cloudy day when the sun isn’t shining directly on them.
You can also use a non-scratch scrub sponge to remove heavy buildup or hardened stains from the glass. This can be particularly helpful on exterior glass exposed to dirt, salt spray, bird droppings, or grimy weather. However, don’t use metal blades or harsh scrubbing pads on glass surfaces; they can scratch the surface and leave permanent marks.
After you’ve removed all the dirt, dust, and other residue from your windows, it’s important to rinse them with fresh water before they dry thoroughly. This will help prevent the buildup of mold, mildew, and other undesirable substances that can leave ugly marks on your glass surfaces.
Make this step part of your regular cleaning routine, which should be performed at least twice a year. This will keep your interior and exterior windows looking great, allow more natural light to enter the room, and improve the overall ambiance.
Adding a few drops of essential oil to your homemade window cleaner can add a pleasant fragrance that benefits the environment and health. Certain essential oils, such as tea trees, have antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties, which can help reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth.
- Drying
As with most cleaning jobs, the skills required of a window cleaner vary from job to job. Some employers offer a short demonstration to prospective workers, while others require that they undergo supervised training for several weeks. Prospective workers also need to learn about the different cleaning solutions, how to safely set up ladders and scaffolding, and how to operate cleaning equipment.
The scrubbing action of water-fed poles and brushes helps to loosen any dirt buildup on windows, frames, and surrounding plastics, enabling it to be rinsed away during the subsequent rinsing steps. The squeegee is then used to remove any remaining moisture from the glass surface and frame, leaving a spot-free shine.
A window cleaner must be physically fit and confident in using ladders, harnesses, and other specialized equipment to do the job safely. A strong arm and back is important as the squeegee can be quite heavy when full of water. Good hand-eye coordination is also required to master the ‘fanning’ technique – using the squeegee in a horizontal zigzag pattern across the entire glass surface.
When using vinegar as the main cleaning agent, a lint-free cloth or microfiber rag will be needed to wipe off excess fluid and ensure no water spots are left on the windows. It is important to thoroughly dust the windows before cleaning, as debris can scratch the glass surfaces.
The best homemade window cleaner is usually a white vinegar and dish soap solution. A few drops of essential oil can be added to the mixture to give it a pleasant smell. Some oils, such as tea tree, have antibacterial and antiseptic properties and a pleasing scent. This is not a substitute for true sanitizers, however. They are still the best way to kill bacteria and prevent mold, mildew, and other problems that can affect the health of building occupants. In addition, using natural ingredients is eco-friendly and safer for workers’ skin and lungs than many commercial chemical cleaning products.